Virtra 300


Not sure if this goes here feel free to move it.

I recently did a 30 min session on this set up. It was interesting but not nearly as good as force on force with well trained role players.

Honestly it's not as much training as it is an assessment of where you are and how you handle situations. I didn't get tazed by the shock box so that was good. However I would like to see if I'm able to fight through the pain.

All in all I would say the experience was neat. Showed me weaknesses in my training/mindset and I wouldn't mind doing it again. While it's not training it did seem like a good supplement to it. That is of course if you have a qualified person on the controls who can competently critique you.

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Blue Line Sheepdog
We bought one of these but were only able to initially get funding for the 3 screen variant. Supposed to get the additional funding next budget year for the last 2 screens.

Got to go through a 30 or so minute session at SHOT in 2012 with it. Completely changed my opinion of Video training.

The ability to force someone to scan constantly and be situationally aware is a huge benefit to this one. Two scenarios I went through would suck you into the far screen on one side and then if you weren't scanning, you would get ate up by a surprise attack on the opposite screen.