Surviving Edged Weapons - 1988 training video and possible future

I am curious what Law Enforcement and other experts impressions are of the famous/infamous 1988 training video "Surviving Edged Weapons".
I heard about this mythical video when I was younger and later while working at a prosecutor's office. I was not able to see it until a recently when "best of the worst" on "red letter media" highlighted it and then magic of the internet happened in producing a copy.

The main reason I bring this up is the part of the attack range of individuals with a melee weapon - 21 feet. That part of the video gives a good overview of threat distances in regard to a melee attacker. Do such distances still apply? And more importantly should governments (or even a NGOs) produce modern campaigns targeting the general public to explain/show the reasons behind ROE at certain distance?

Link to video:

Link to RedLetterMedia watching with joking commentary (Skip to 32 minute for episode but earlier parts are also funny)

Link to IMDB:


Regular Member
If you can get past the haircuts, cars, and revolvers, "Surviving Edged Weapons" is still valid training. Unfortunately, much of it is misinterpreted. I still feel my blood pressure rise when I think of that one idiot on the shift whose takeaway was "I guess I'll just talk to everyone from twenty-one feet." On the flip side, there were others who felt shooting anyone with a knife closer than twenty-one feet needed to be shot.
Denis Tueller's drill was often misinterpreted, Twenty-one feet was the average distance a suspect could close before an officer presented from a security holster and delivered two center mass shots. The participants were young, in good condition, and expected the attack. An offender can be at a greater distance and still pose a deadly threat.