These lever guns are really going to become a viable option for those who live under restrictive rules, like myself currently. Also for those that have to travel through these places. I was able to get a couple pre '64 Winchester 94 stamped .30 WCF. One is a shooter that I have grown to really love and the other has a nice enough original finish to keep pristine as an investment. Finding ammo for the 30-30 was tricky in my area, it's a popular white tail round in the Midwest. But once my dad worked out a good load on the reloading bench it proved to be more than capable out to a hundred yards even after all these years. My eyes are still able to use the buckhorn sights, I did outline the buckhorn part in white paint marker along with the dot portion of the front sight post. I would like to get my hands on one of the pistol caliber ones to see the difference in handling that was mentioned in the Modcast.