P&S 147 - QA/QC in the AK World


I couldn't watch it live and I'm not much of an AK fan, but I enjoyed the podcast it's always good to hear solid info from those who know their stuff.


Regular Member
Love Dugan Ashley, hold an AK is my favorite song and I look forward to hearing from the episode. Also a fan of Jim Fuller. For a ball round until what has come up in the past 5 years 5.45 is one of the best.


I know next to nothing about AKs (part of the reason I want to take the Rifle Dynamics build class later in the year). This episode was especially informative.


Regular Member
IMHO, This was a great modcast for those looking to get into AK's as well as experienced shooters.


Regular Member
Great modcast one of the better ones. Im a big fan of the AK platform and find what RD is doing is really great and I would like to see the AK platform brought further. I think the AK has the most promise in short .30 caliber guns in a similar role as the .300 blk stuff and Im really excited to see what comes down the pipe

The only thing that bugged me is the pricing on AK's being what ARs are and cheap AK's being a thing of the 80s. Thats not really due to inflation or cost of materials, but because of Legislation keeping places with AK production facilities and cheap labor costs from being able to directly import into the USA. From hearing I think something on InRange the Finns mentioned that Norincos and ex soviet AKMs converted to semi auto are like under 300-400 Euros. Which with inflation and eurozone taxes sounds like its in the ballpark of the 80s pricing. Its kind of in the same line of what Karl mentioned with the ban on 7n6 and the issues with 5.45 ammo, same kind of deal. It seems like everything but the high end AKs have been pretty crippled by legislative means.

It also seems like the AK was a gun made to be built economically in a environment where semi-skilled labor is a factor of production that is in abundance. And paradoxically that seems to be the kind of labor that is in the shortest supply in America and what since with Henry Ford we have worked to automate.

Did anything ever come of the DoD/Socom trying to get domestic production of AK/PKMs? That would be the tits as we would have someone to pay the start up costs to get things like forged parts domestically that the current commercial market cannot current bear.