Non-US Citizen Training.


I am looking to undertake training in the US with a couple of other guys from my company.
We have tried multiple times to organise specific training which suits our need to no avail, in one case being pulled off a course with one weeks notice due to the course becoming closed enrolment. (course fee refunded and sincere apology received)

Can anyone offer insight on this issue?
We were mainly looking to start small on Glock Armourers courses, since we can not complete them in Australia, recognition of some skill and maybe learning new skills is the goal. Hopefully it will grow into a once a year trip onto bigger and better things. Quality training in Australia is limited so the plan is to help fix that issue.

Background info:
  • Australian citizens
  • All civilian, some ex military but no currently serving.
  • All hold appropriate licence in their state for conducting firearms training.