Luke Brooks Journal


Glock 19 FDE
115 grain Reloads
Weather: 70 degrees with off and on rain

-25 yard Bullseye 10 rounds
-50 total points in 34.90 seconds.
-Felt like something was off. Maybe it was the rain but my concentration was not there. 34.90 and 50 points is a direct result from lack of concentration.

-Torture Dots @ 4 yards
-Missed 4 weak hand only (#8). Got a little cocky and felt I was going to clean the target. Had a good group just not in the circle. Missed 1 on #9. Still frustrated from missing 4 from the target before and jerked the very first shot before a reload.

-Draw 1 round on 3x5 card at 7 yards. 1.5 sec Goal
-2.05 -1.78
-2.19 -1.82
-1.78 -1.79
-1.60* -1.75
-1.83 -1.79
-Felt good that I made a lot of hits but the draw can move a bit faster. This is an improvement over the last time doing this drill. My average this time was 1.84. Last time my average was 2.02. Dry fire helped... A LOT.

-Draw 2 rounds on 3x5 at 7 yards. 2.0 sec goal
-2.26* -2.24
-2.41* -2.29*
-2.21* -2.10*
Hit every first shot but missed the follow-up shots. Most misses were low left.

-Dave Spaulding 15 to the 3rd drill on 3x5 at 5 yards. 12.0 sec goal
-11.26 1 miss
-11.12 3 misses
-11.62 1 miss
Not sure where I threw the shots. Felt great moving and getting settled at each position.

- Shoot 1 slide lock reload 1 on 3x5 at 7 yards.
-Didn't use a timer. Wanted to work the motion before putting it on a timer. Also trying out ETS 22 round magazine as spare carry mag. Did this 10 total times for 20 total shots fired. Missed 2 shots after the reloads.

-25 yard Bullseye 10 rounds
-77 total points in 18.57 seconds.
-Much better that the first round. Maybe I was warmed up. I am still having trouble with the proctor sights. The rear notch seems small. Going to keep them on the gun until the end of the month and make a better educated decision if I should change.

***In the future try to save the shot targets to upload here.***

Glock 17 Gen2
Sunny and 75 degrees
Appendix carry

-25 yard Bullseye 10 rounds
-39 points in 20.96 seconds.

-Torture Dots at 4 yards
-45 out of 50

-Draw one round on 3x5
-Goal 1.5 seconds
-1.99* -1.69*
-1.60* -1.65
-1.78 -1.63
-1.78 -1.55
-2.09 -1.61*

-Draw 2 rounds on 3x5
-Goal 2 seconds

-15 to the 3rd
-12.29 2 misses
-12.48 1 Miss
-11.75 1 miss

Not a good day. Had a massive headache throughout the whole day. Decided to call it a day after the 15 to the 3rd drill.
Glock 19 FDE
Sunny and 60 degrees
Appendix Carry

- 3 Round fade back on 3x5 card.
3yds, 5yds, 7yds, 10yds, 12yds, 15yds, 20yds, 25yds
2 total misses

- 25 yard Bullseye 10 rounds
87 points in 20.78 Seconds

- Torture dots @ 4 yards
49/50 Missed on #7 target

- 2x2x2 on 3x5 in 2 seconds
2.31 1 Miss

- Sentinel Concepts Qual
35/50 All times met.
Glock 19 FDE
Raining, windy and 50 degrees
Appendix Carry

Performed 3 baseline drills from TACOST training cards. Drop fastest and slowest times and average.

-7 of Clubs
1 Rounds on 8" target at 3 yards. x7
-1.37 -1.42
-1.33 -1.33
-1.28 -1.32
-1.22 *Average of 5 = 1.32

-8 of Clubs
1 Rounds on 8" target at 7 yards. x7
-1.64 -1.86
-1.65 -1.72
-1.56 -1.63
-1.56 *Average of 5 = 1.64

-2 of Clubs
2 Rounds reload 2 Rounds on 8" target at 7 yards. x7
-5.43 -5.50
-5.26 -5.34
-4.64 -5.41
-5.63 *Average of 5 = 5.38
Glock 19 FDE
Raining, windy and 45 degrees
Appendix Carry

- 25 yard Bullseye 10 rounds
70 points in 18.82 Seconds

- 2x2x2 on 3x5 in 2 seconds
-1.95 -2.17
-2.19 1 miss -1.88 1 miss
-2.30 1 miss -1.72 1 miss
-2.05 2 miss -1.83 1 miss
-1.87 -1.89

-Fast Drill
-8.52 Failure to fire
-6.14 2 Misses

By the end of the trip it got super windy and cold. It was getting hard to feel my hands. Also, the Fast drill had one failure during the string of 4 to the body. Still all were hits.
Glock 19 FDE
Sunny and 60 degrees
Appendix Carry

- 3 Round fade back on 3x5 card.
3yds, 5yds, 7yds, 10yds, 12yds, 15yds, 20yds, 25yds
2 total misses

- 25 yard Bullseye 10 rounds
87 points in 20.78 Seconds

- Torture dots @ 4 yards
49/50 Missed on #7 target

- 2x2x2 on 3x5 in 2 seconds
2.31 1 Miss

- Sentinel Concepts Qual
35/50 All times met.

Would you mind sharing the Sentinel Concepts Qual? I'm not finding anything on google about the details.

Awesome work on the journal!
Would you mind sharing the Sentinel Concepts Qual? I'm not finding anything on google about the details.

Awesome work on the journal!

Thanks. I didn't think anybody other than me actually looked at this. HA HA.

The course is as follows;

50 Total Rounds
25yds. 10 Rounds to body. 30 Seconds
15yds. 10 Rounds to body. 15 Seconds
10yds. 10 Round to body s. 10 Seconds
5yds. 10 Rounds to body. 5 Seconds
3yds. 3 Rounds to Body, 2 Rounds to Face. 5 Seconds (2 separate runs)

***Body = 5”x7” area

***Face = 4” Circle

Enjoy. The plan is to be able to shoot this clean... one day!
Glock 19 FDE
sunny and 56 degrees
Appendix Carry

Performed 2 baseline drills from TACOST training cards. Drop fastest and slowest times and average

-5 of clubs
Draw 1 round on 4" target at 3 yds
-1.70 -1.53
-1.59 -1.49
-1.58 -1.70
-1.57 Average of middle 5= 1.59

6 of clubs
Draw 1 round on 4" target at 7 yds
-1.91 -1.91
-1.70 -1.72
-1.88 -1.92
-2.5 Average of middle 5= 1.86

Sent the rest of the time hanging out with the guys and not doing real practice.
Glock 19 FDE
Snowing and 20 degrees. 1 inch of snow on ground when we got there and 3 inches of snow when we left.
Appendix Carry

25 yard B8. 10 rounds
92 total points.

Torture Dots at 4 yards
missed first shot on #6 and first shot on #8

Shot a bunch of steel afterward. Shot out to 50 yards. It was bitter cold when we decided we should leave.
Glock 19 FDE
Overcast and 42 degrees
Appendix Carry
1530 to 1630

25 yard B8. 10 rounds
66 points in 20.18 seconds

Performed 5 baseline drills from TACOST training cards. Drop fastest and slowest times and average

9 Clubs
2 rounds on 8" target at 3 yards. x7
-1.93 -1.56
-2.28 -1.56
-1.78 -1.51
-1.51 Average -1.66

10 of Clubs
2 rounds on 8" target at 7 yards. x7
-2.14 -2.01
-2.04 -1.95
-1.90 -1.84
-1.95 Average -1.97

J of clubs
2 rounds on 8" target at 25 yards. x7
-4.91 -4.52
-5.48 -4.46
-5.05 -4.64
-5.58 Average -4.92

Q of clubs
5 Rounds on 8" target at 3 yards. x7
-2.19 -2.10
-2.25 -2.30
-2.20 -2.27
-2.22 Average -2.22

K of clubs
5 Rounds on 8" target at 7 yards. x7
-2.87 -2.70
-2.77 -2.46
-2.84 -3.02
-2.74 Average -2.78

1 Reload 1
shot 1 -shot 2 -Split
-1.80 -4.23 -2.43
-1.60 -4.07 -2.47
-2.20 -4.59 -2.39
-2.12 -4.78 -2.66
-1.78 -4.15 -2.37
-1.84 -4.45 -2.61
-1.79 -4.38 -2.59
-1.67 -4.19 -2.52
-1.93 -5.46 -3.53* Magazine stuck during reload
-1.75 -4.27 -2.52

25 yard B8. 10 rounds
78 total in 15.51
Misses 2 total rounds.

Today I was very tired and I noticed it when trying to find the front site. Especially at 25 yards. The front sight was getting blurry because my eyes were tired. Very disappointed with my performance at 25 yards.
Glock 19 FDE
Sunny and windy and 47 degrees
Appendix Carry

25 yard B8. 10 rounds
-87 points in 17.41 seconds. X=1, 10=4, 9=1, 7=4

Fast Drill
-6.27 clean
-5.32 1 head miss
-5.55 - 1 head miss
-5.23 clean
-5.15 - 1 head miss
-5.13 - 1 head miss
The misses were all very close but on the 2nd shot on the head. I need to take my time to really see the front sight on the 2nd shot.

1 reload 1
Total Draw Split
-4.01 -1.71 -2.30
-3.58 -1.51 -2.07
-3.59 -1.46 -2.13
-3.93 -1.49 -2.44
-3.70 -1.48 -2.22
-3.89 -1.60 -2.27
-3.78 -1.57 -2.21
-3.63 -1.45 -2.18
-3.66 -1.49 -2.17
-3.59 -1.48 -2.11
-3.73 -1.52 -2.21
Was not trying to too much accuracy. Using this to try and increase speed. The target was the center circle of the FAST target.

Torture Dots at 4 yards
2 misses on #2, 1 miss on #5 and 1 miss on #8.
Need to take my time on this drill. I get in a hurry and try to add speed. I need to remember that this is an accuracy drill and not a speed drill. Take your time and get perfect sight alignment and sight picture before pressing the shot.
Glock 19 FDE
Overcast and 65 degrees. Around 515 pm
Appendix Carry

-Goruck R&G Facebook Feb drill
5 rounds from 20 yards in 10 seconds. Two hands from concealment
5 rounds from 15 yards in 10 seconds. Strong hand only from concealment
5 rounds from 10 yards in 10 seconds. Weak hand only from compressed ready

20 yard time
15 yard time
10 yard time
Total score
-137 3x
Glock 19 FDE
Sunny and 60 degrees
Appendix Carry

25 yard B8. 10 rounds
- 89 points

-2.46 1 Miss
-2.21 1 miss
-2.28 1 miss

Bill Drill

After those 3 drills I spent a lot of time shooting 2 inch dots with one hand only (Weak and Strong). Then moved out to 50 yards and shot 8" steel. I did make hits at 50 but nothing consistent.
Glock 19 FDE
Sunny and 50 degrees. Around 330 pm
Appendix Carry

25 yard B8. 10 rounds
- 78 points.
I was trying out a new hand load. I do not think it is that accurate. I will not be using this load in the future.

1 Reload 1
Total Split
-3.52 -2.03
-3.55 -2.15
-3.45 -2.13
-4.16 -2.89
-3.60 -2.27
-3.71 -2.21
-3.90 -2.75
-3.64 -2.38
-3.34 -2.07
-3.39 -2.09

Draw 1 round on 8" Circle
-1.13 -1.43
-1.20 -1.91
-1-12 -1.32
-1.14 -1.39

-2.04 1m
-1.81 1m
-1.78 1m

Torture Dots @ 5 YDS
48/50. 2 misses on #8

Spent some time shooting plates at 50 yards.

Major Take Away
Grip really makes a difference. Make sure you get a good grip and lock it down. On the 2x2x2 drill when I got a good tight grip my groups were tight. Need to focus on grip in dry practice and get into speed mode with the draw and 1 reload 1.