Leather Holsters?


I'm usually not a fan and prefer to carry in a kydex holster but this is a side project that I am trying to put together for my dad's 70ieth birthday. Only problem is that I don't know what I don't know and my googlefu is vapor locking on this one.
Who makes a good 1911 OWB holster that will both look good and not fall apart from day to day wear? Bonus points if it won't rub the finish off the gun and I know that's not what we are about here, but it's for a man stuck in the 50's so go easy on me.


I am looking at 5-shot Leather's OWB for my new duty gun because he will make it with a neutral can't but not sure if he is taking new orders. I have also been using Mitch Rosen Leather OWB for the last 7-8 years. I am not the taci-cool sort, but I am at 20 years of mainly plain clothes and covert ops and I still dig leather. Good luck.

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Milt Sparks is hard to beat. I like the 55N model. I recommend a 1.75" belt and holster for a butt heavy gun like a 1911.


I have used Don Hume OWB holsters for nearly 20 years. I have one specific holster that I still use today for my 1911's (a 1st gen Kimber has been riding in it) that's still going strong as my daily use for 17 years. The only critique I would offer on DH holsters is no spring steel retention in the outside edge to keep the holster open for one handed re-holstering.