Introductions Part 2

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Bradley Bond - Facebook Refugee AKA Samuel Adams

Provider of excellent customer service experiences with stubborn misbehaving technology and how-to’s.

Amateur trader - Emphasis on amateur

Extremely Amateur AR Armorer blessed by the teachings of Mike Mihalski doing the Semper Paratus course.

I reload ammo, I can’t say I’m the guy that loads for fun. Still gotta feed my firearms in these dark times.

Reckless mountain biker on the weekends between studying CCNA.

I’m still trying to find my favorite section of the hobby. I still love my faithful Roland Special and recently acquired SR-15 for Tac rifle/pistol.

PFT helped introduce me to long range shooting which I’m currently still working on refining those skills learned.

I really enjoy the medical side of training even though I’m squeamish the utility is appealing. Time for Dark Angel D.A.R.K 2 sometime in the future. Though thankfully it’s never been applied in a real situation.
Good afternoon,

I'm currently AD Air Force Security Forces. BJJ Blue belt from Machado lineage (if that matters). The stuff you shouldn't talk about? I love talking about (that being religion and politics). I don't enjoy reading but make an effort to. Not sure what else to put since nobody cares.

Regular guy 10ish years into training and daily CC. Usually make 1 class a year, but trying to get those rookie numbers up. Several shivworks classes under the belt, recent time at PFT (Alderson, WV) for learning rifle work.

Montani Semper Liberi!
Josh. 28 years old, pursuing my BSN. I'm really just a dude who carries and wants to learn more. I enjoy shooting, training, archery, video games, and weight training (school definitely gets in the way of hobbies). I've taken a few training courses and I've been a casual lurker on here for a while. I listen to the podcast on my long drives or while working in the yard.

Outside of guns I'm interested in camping and traveling once I'm finished with school
Nate, 13 years LE in Ohio, firearms instructor, OTOA member and a avid hunter. Have held rolls in SRT, Investigations, Supervision. I have been part of several rollouts of new programs within the agencies that I have worked for. I have had quite a bit of success selling ideas to administrators in the past and if I can help other LEO's with similar processes at smaller to medium size agencies I would be glad to help by sharing my thoughts.

I have attended some training classes of some of the key people in this community and the knowledge that they provide is gold. I have been a member here for a few years but I have participated very little due to the prevalence of social media. With the direction of social media I will likely participate here more often.
Bud. Active duty military aviator. I do shooting sports on the side as a hobby, with an interest in night vision. Previous experience in intelligence/cyberwarfare. Spent a lot of time all around the country living, working, and traveling. Looking to see what I can learn and maybe help others in the future.
The name is Bruce. Ex-Aviation mechanic. Lover of things that fly, guns, tools and most things metal, music included. Living each year trying to convince myself military aviation wasn't the way to go, doing a poor job at it. Now self employed selling traditional and digital art, graphic design, acrylic originals and soon- prints. Here for the promised hordes of single women.
G'day all. Another Aussie here. I have been a long time forum lurker but figured it would be nice to get more involved, particularly with the direction social media is going (not going to miss it). I am a former Cop and have worked in General Duties, Field Training, as an Academy Firearms Instructor, and as the OIC of an outback station where I was the sole officer in an area roughly the same size as New Hampshire. I have also spent some time in the Royal Australian Air Force (Military Working Dog Handler) and Australian Border Force (Operational Safety Trainer). I am currently a full-time instructor splitting my time between Training Coordinator for my own company and Lead LE trainer for another company with a global presence. Looking forward to contributing to the discussion where I can.
Clark, I'm a forester in the southeast. I'm a long time listener of the podcast. I'm finally getting around to actually joining the P&S forum because I'm concerned about mainstream social media platforms censoring the firearm content I like to follow. I'm here to learn what I can so I can be less of a moron.
Hi, I'm The Rat. You may remember me from such Lightfighter threads as the AUG thread and FNG's attempt at a modernized AK (still on the first page of the carbine section after over 10 years!) (This sentence best read in this voice:

Former infantry/contractor, current IDPA/3-gun shooter.
Nick, long time P&S podcast listener and member of the FB pages. Trying to reduce my FB usage, and I utilize a ton of other forums anyway (been a member of ARF and SH for nearly two decades, among others), so may as well finally add the P&S forums. Helicopter pilot/flight instructor, but if it flies, I like it. Same with firearms and sportbikes. I enjoy 2-gun competitions and the long range scene. Maybe someday I’ll be able to add an LTT 1031 to the stable and finally get into shotguns as well, but I don’t see that happening in this economy...

Daniel. Fmr USMC 0352/0933. Occasional competition shooter since 2013, training hard under Jedi, Spaulding, Givens, Rehn, Fisher, Blowers, Pressburg, Douglas, Green, etc. since early 2020. The Tacticallopath is my handle pretty much anywhere that matters, and I teach basic firearm stuff and pepper spray/less-than-lethals as High Standard Tactical currently in Brazos County, Texas. Published some work on Primer Peak and a few articles in The Journal of EMS. Most heavily invested in handguns, comprehensive personal security for the average citizen, firearms/defense legal issues, and field/tactical medicine.

Happy to be here.
Joe, engineering major in Missouri. Been into motorsports for a while, done some races on legit tracks in front of crowds, but I'm not good enough to make any money at it. Been getting into guns more. Dying young is only cool if you're rich and famous in your 20's, so I needed something safer than driving fast.
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