Introductions Part 2

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Sean - day job is Training guy at Nightforce Optics, by night I'm half-owner of a training company for niche applications related to precision rifles, carbines and pistols. I like to shoot guns, travel and help others learn more and improve their shooting. When I can, I also update info at, mainly related to new guns I'm playing with, matches I've shot or things I find interesting and feel like writing about. Happy to help anyone if I can.
Sean - day job is Training guy at Nightforce Optics, by night I'm half-owner of a training company for niche applications related to precision rifles, carbines and pistols. I like to shoot guns, travel and help others learn more and improve their shooting. When I can, I also update info at, mainly related to new guns I'm playing with, matches I've shot or things I find interesting and feel like writing about. Happy to help anyone if I can.

You guys were invited to our Training Summit 2020 BTW.
I'm Kyle. Non mil/LEO, just a normal earth person that likes to shoot and take a mix of realistic and fantasy band camp classes. Professionally I am the Director of Informatics for a very diverse (in offerings) non profit with a focus on healthcare because we operate 8 medical centers. I've been a member for years but just realized I never actually did an intro post, so here it is.

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Andrew, non mil/le, edc citizen, and into firearms training. But, mainly gear whore or living room larper. I spend most my time with my family and my first, my daughter. Big into automotive knowledge, but I don’t do it for a hobby any more. I am a Oregon journey plumber by trade. Mainly here for the festivities.
Travis. Just a civilian, but a gun nut since childhood. Always enjoyed trying things outside the box, and pushing the limits with custom gun builds. Here to learn as much as I can. Other interests include Architecture and Real Estate. Future goals include obtaining some armorer's certifications and designing/opening a four season long range rifle range here in the PNW.
Steve Berman here. Making the move from FB since my account is on a 30 day ban anyway.

Retired mil, non combat role. Competition shooter (USPSA, SC, Outlaw), and have spent time as a RSO and working a gun counter. Currently attending school full time and poking holes in paper whenever I can find time and ammo.

And you were quoted a couple times on last night's modcast.
Zach here.

32, former 11B from 10+ years ago. Worked firearm retail and training for 7-ish years and gave up on retail in 2018 to work on sheet metal. Started over two years ago after my divorce and am happy to share the limited expertise I have. Happy to be here. Cheers all.
Sandy Hughes. Former paramedic/FF/ER Nurse, now Nurse Practioner. Worked in Trauma Surgery and ER, now cutting back to work on 3C Medical, Premade and custom Med kits, training anyone and anywhere there is a need, any medical topic that is needed. Also Gun nut for many years (yes before I met Gary), just starting to mess around with the AK building side of our business, MOD outfitters. Would def like to do more with training and practical shooting stuff, pistol and rifle. Shot a few matches (red oktober, desert brutality, etc) and I was hooked...til covid. Anyway glad to be here. Follow the 3C Medical group in here, I’ll be sure to post some intentionally controversial, relevant and discussion-provoking shit.
James from Wisconsin here. Just your average civilian with a serious interest in firearms, specifically the technical stuff. Background in automotive technology and general mechanical maintenence. I'm currently a warehouse coordinator at a local HVAC and refrigeration company that services a great deal of the local cold chain. Heard about P&S through the SOTAR group and FCD pond. Looking forward to learning from and interacting with you all here!
USMC peacetime (70’s) veteran. Retired Corrections Officer. Firearm and reloading enthusiast. Been a tinker since I learned how a screwdriver worked. Love building AR’s. Staunch Conservative/Patriot/Christian.

Here to follow Chad Albrecht/SOTAR and Roger Wong/FCD.


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My name is James, from Indianapolis, IN.

Civilian, I currently work as support staff at a local public school, but went to school at Kelley IU for Marketing and Management. I've also spent a lot of time in and worked in libertarian-leaning and Republican oriented politics. I've done some gun-related activism with Students for Concealed Carry and I'm acquainted with TFB author Miles Vining through that.

I hunt and fish, but love ARs. I own two- my budget PSA from when I was getting into ARs and a more recent acquisition- a 13.7" Rebellious Stripes SOLGW M4-76. I have an assortment of other rifles as well as a Glock 23 that I have a 9mm conversion barrel for.

Fellow Hoosiers, feel free to PM me!
James Here. I wandered over from the FB side. L/E since 1979. Still active. Still working operations. Have worked a variety of specialized assignments. My primary specialty is AM watch patrol and drinking full strength black coffee.
Wandered in from the Youtube & Facebook side of your guys work. USAR/weekend warrior going on six years, certified Commo POG, or in other words barely a half step above a civilian. Have a CCW, try to get training where I can, and I'll readily admit my limited experience in firearms even after spending some time behind a gun counter in free states and behind the CA curtain. Mostly get enjoyment off of all things mil-surp and police surplus, along with a consistent interest in all firearms labeled "Not California Legal" even after successfully fleeing the CA Curtain.

Keane, Current National Guard Medic/ EMT B
Fan of all things "Tactical" From medicine to competition.

First forum I've ever used, but seeing the decline of FB who knows if this is all that will be left
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