Foreign Weapons Familiarization Courses of Fire


Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
A local gun shop/training group recently approached me about teaching FoFam of which I am more than happy to do.
Sadly I now find myself in a jam because all of my training material/LPs are on the hard drive that ISIS now has (assumption but a logical one).
Anybody have/want to share/ have access to Foreign Weapons Lesson Plans?
My lost materials included all the Russian whores, the HK family, FALs and various other not so common weapons.
I used to work this course when I was still AD and had acquired quite a bit of material... Sadly it is all gone now.
Anybody want to share?

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I'm interested in this as well- I've proposed a Foreign Weapons class for my unit (a buddy is an SOT and has an amazing collection to assist), and I could use some help.