Fogging lenses/optics


Reposting this out of the facebook P&S main group as asked and answered:

I have a superpower. Help me harness it for good.
I am sweat-man. Ever since I was a kid I've been able to fog any glass or lens ever. Seven years old, "here kid, put on this snorkel mask, you can see under water!" And I could. For about three seconds. Then WHAM, me and my fogged up mask slam into the side of the pool because I can't see shit.

Sitting still, 21 degrees out, I see that monster buck. Pull my rifle up, and before I can slip the safety off, fog. And the man said that wouldn't happen with high end optics... something about nitrogen.
I'm the best guy in the world to play paintball or airsoft against. I can't see you. I'm a sitting duck.

In the shoothouse with a PVS14, the instructor barks at me, "you gonna shoot that?" *blink blink* "Shoot what?" "That guy against the wall over there pointing a cannon at your face." Did. Not. See. Him. PVS14 was fogged and I woulda been dead as fuck.

What can I do? This problem has plagued me my whole life, even with simple shooting glasses.
Answer was found in a modcast here:
Short answer: Cat Crap.