Dry fire/ first round on target from concealment.

What's a good way to increase that speed from holster to target with one round? And what would you think the best times to shoot for are?1sec flat?

Keep in mind these are all from concealment.

Any tips to speed that time up to get the gun out and on target? Any particular drills out there that can help this? Our is the best way to just keep up the dry fire and enforce it with live fire?

In my head I would like to have this down to 1.50 or even 1.25 with a hit at a 6" head at 25 yards.


Lane C

Rico and the Man
Staff member
For me I am going to spend time mastering the garment clear and the grip of the gun. then master the most efficient/shortest distance from cleared (garment/holster) weapon to sight picture. The shot should break at that point. Lots of reps on the cleared draw. Do them from as dry fire and setup a par time that you can consistently meet. Once that becomes stupidly easy, keep reducing the par times to improve your speed. Too many guys think they can go full concealment and run the times that they do on a comp or duty rig. Get the proper reps in and the speed will follow.


I've found that when concealment garments are a factor, all kinds of shit can be fucked up if I try for speed. Economy of movement goes out the window. I try to go fast, then fuck something up and try to fix it faster...and just end up looking like Helen Keller angrily signing the alphabet.

I got great advice a while ago like Lane just talked about, get the reps in with a slow, deliberate pace and in doing so, ingrain a muscle memory with each motion. Until I could rep out the same clear and draw hundreds of times over, I never took a timer out. That keeps it repetitive and ensures I'm not trying for any metric but that repeatability. I found that as I went on I was just naturally picking up speed.

Speed becomes the byproduct not the focus.

Darth Tater

Regular Member
The Ben Stoeger micro-drill concept works well here. Let's say you're working to do a 1.5 second draw from concealment and you're not getting there. Set a timer's par time (dry fire) to 0.8 sec. In 0.8 sec, clear your cover garment, grasp a firing grip on the gun, and place your support hand in place to receive the gun on the draw. Work reps on that to beat that par time. Then, in 0.8 sec, start at the conclusion of the first micro-drill and complete the draw and dry-fire shot. Work reps of that. Then work the first half followed by the second half for reps in 0.8 seconds each. Finally, revert to the 1.5 sec par time and do full reps again. You should see marked improvement and consistency. Note: 1.5 seconds is a random time chosen for example.

The same micro-drill concept works very well for reloads as well.