Dr. Cornwallis Fairly Good Training Journal and Stuff

The iron knows no holiday.


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Range Day

Gym & Range Day

Deadlift: 255x3, 290x3, 330x20
Chin-ups: 3x1 min max (18, 13, 11)
Close Grip Bench: 3x failure @ 135 (20, 12, 10)
DB Overhead Press: 3x failure @ 45lb ( 12, 10, 8)
Ab Roller: 3x15

It’s been a busy few days. Being in medic school I haven’t spent nearly the time I’ve wanted to on live fire. We’re currently out on break so I took three days and spent them on the range open to close. I’ll post up some highlights later. Over all a very productive three days and with the range being 2 hours away I had ample time to get caught up on my P&S podcasts.

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Range Day

Range Day 12-28-17 was very productive. I ran some good drills and saw some marked improvement in my times and accuracy. On most of the drills I did I put in between 3-5 repetitions.

I started the trip off by running “The Humbler” for the first time. Shot it with ten C zone and 1 D zone hit. The range didn’t have any B8’s so I had to make do. I ordered up some B8’s as there are so many excellent drills that call for their use.

After the Humbler I shot a drill that a friend gave me. It’s got no name so I gave it one. I call it 5-5-5x25. On buzzer Shooter will have 60 seconds draw and fire a total of 15 rounds at 25 yards, 5 free style, 5 SHO, 5 WHO.

Setup: IPSC cardboard at 25 yards
Scoring: Time + Penalties. A+B zone=0, C=5, D=10, Miss=60.
Par Time: 60 seconds


Shooting steel is fucking fun and I’m a big fan of the VTAC 2-2-2 and 1-5 drills for both handgun and rifle so, I added in five 5” steel poppers, added bonus is with most standard capacity handguns you get a reload in as well when running with the 1-5.

Finished my pistol work with some “Grid of Fire” shot free style.

VTAC 2-2-2 w/ Rifle @25 yds

VTAC 2-2-2 w/ Rifle @10 yds

VTAC 1-5 w/ Rifle @10 yds

Finished the short range rifle work with a modified version of Pat Macs “Set it Off.” Changes were, B/C steel at 75 ish yards and barricades are 40yd apart.

Finished the day out with some prone slow fire at 300 yds. Had a decent cross wind and went 25/30 on B/C steel.

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