Dept. Vest Solution

Gentlemen, I need your help.
Our department is in the market for new vests, and I'm trying to save my Chief from making a really bad decision based on the allotted budget. The University has given us apx. $450 per officer (don't get me started) to work with. I've done a ton of research and have found a couple of decent solutions but they seem pretty dead set on going the cheapest route. Does anyone know of any external vests and/or panel/carrier combos in that price range? Fundraising is severely limited for our department due to our Baptist affiliation.
$450 seems way, way low.
Frustratingly so. Security is an afterthought and the "nothing bad happens here" mindset runs rampant. Vests were only approved for purchase after Dallas happened. Before that we used what was donated unless an officer footed the bill themself.


We use Point Blank vests. My agency fronts the cost of the basic vest and the individual deputy has the option of spending personal money to upgrade.

I have no affiliation with Point Blank but you may want to contact them directly and see what they can do.

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If your department has a mandatory wear policy you may qualify for the DOJ grant. Velocity sells soft armor now. Maybe with bulk pricing you can get there


If I understand right, the 2019 BPV Partnership grants have closed for this year. So, would have to wait till next year for that one, and I bet your funding is use-it-or-loose-it so... good luck. But do go to the (terrible!) page and start entering your info anyway. Good to have a file started:

Also, ask around further. The state may be able to help, or have other resources if you can find the right person. E.g. if you have a state 1033 hookup already, ask them if they know other programs.


I second the grant process, 450 is way too low. Many manufacturers have grant writers to assist.
I’ll add this because it’s important for every cop to think about.
How much is your life worth?
Cops are cheep as hell and want everything for free. If I couldn’t find the funding solution I would buy what’s appropriate with my own money. 450 would be a good starting point and if you add 3 or 4 hundred of your own funds your where you need to be.
You’re investing in yourself and your family.


Is the external carrier mandated in the funding or your preference?
Why not concealed armor?
Do they envision it being something you put on to respond to violence? If so, the plate carrier may be your option and having the department purchase plates (front and back) and officers supplying to carrier may be a good compromise.
I would feel better if it was soft/concealed armor your guys wore at all times because handguns are our most likely threat.
If you’re stuck with the funding and can’t find a grant maybe you can work out upgrades with whoever you’re purchasing from on an individual basis funded by each officer who wants to.
The nothin ever happens here guys are just that. They do nothing and nothing happens therefore there right until they’re not.
Choose your vendor carefully and make sure they’re willing to work with the individual officer upgrade if other funding falls through.
What’s the time line?
Don't settle for crap if you can wait a few months to make better contacts.