Covert Rifle Bags

I did up a 300bo setup a few years back that has been living in a Sentinel Concepts Revelation II.

the gun is a 8.5" 300 blackout "pistol" with a law folder and a silencerco omega 9k, making it about the same length as a 10.5" with a flashhider.
Nice to have, its always just sitting ready to go, gets new batteries on my birthday and only gets shot a few times a year really, usually when someone wants to try out a 300bo.


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I hope thread necromancy is not frowned upon too deeply. I am looking for a discrete range bag (I live in a condo complex). Right now I am leaning hard towards the Emdom/MM TNT GYM bag. I have a few questions. Does it just easily hold a broken down AR carbine or can other equipment (eyepro/earpro, etc) also be carried within?
Full disclosure, I am a Vertx Fed/Mil sales guy, but the commuter XL is exactly what you are asking for. I don't use mine as a "rapid deployment" bag, but more like a soft side rifle bag for transportation of up to a 14.5 (with SF comp) & law folder. I actually can fit two LAW-equipped rifles: a 10.3 and a 14.5 rifle (with LVPO) into an XL. Or you could transport a rifle, chest rig, and ancillary items. I definitely treat it as a discrete range bag, or the ability to transport a rifle between G-ride (with a vault) to a fixed armory, etc (or your home safe). Given the color options, it doesn't scream "tactical" like a pelican or my well-loved eagle Cordura bags. The great thing is there is a myriad of options now and you can generally find something that will fit your need.


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