BCM QC Vid...unique or stating the obvious?


For the record, I like BCM and have always considered them a very safe bet for a factory built gun. I'm curious to get some tech guy's opinions on the video that LAV posted on BCM's QC:

Are these steps necessary and truly unique to BCM? While watching, I remembered Modcast 84 and the discussion of "HK 'squeezing' the round" and "Surefire marketing muzzle velocity increase" in relation to stating the reality as marketing. For reference:

Just kinda would like to hear some opinions from some more guys involved on that side of the house about what's going on in that CQ vid


Staff member
The air gauging they are doing on their parts is generally the best way of doing that stuff, but I really question the practical utility of doing those checks again(probably...hopefully) so late in the production process. I'd like to know what sort of reject rate they are seeing and why their suppliers and OEMs can't unfuck their quality. Because really it strikes me as sort of a no-expense-spared-feel-good-QC/Dog-and-pony-show-qc, because honestly unless they have got the machines in the back finish grinding those gas tubes and bolt carriers and whipping out those gas blocks, that level of QC is kind of out of place, not wrong just not normal to the point of potential excessiveness.