Agency level RDS training

Matt Landfair

Matt Six Actual
Staff member
John Owen (John the Fishcop ) and I taught two sessions of pistol rds familiarization for my pd. It was two separate 8 hour blocks. I requested 16 hrs, but we could only get 8 each.

The officers showed improvement within those short 8 hours - not necessarily just because of the dot - it was their efforts combined with useful instruction and reinforcing drills. John manned the shot timer for timed dry practice and it opened the eyes of the officers. The officers really seemed to grasp the concept of the dot as a diagnostic tool.

One helpful thing we did was slightly alter some regular drills to fit the skill level of the officers. 10-10-10 and the 5y drill fired into a playing card were really popular.

At the end of both days, I saw an enthusiasm for shooting I had not seen from the officers in the past. Even exhausted, they still had that drive. I let them know this journey isn't close to being over.


We were given about 10 hours over two days. There was great improvement over those two days, and a lot of people were shooting much better than in the past. However even a month later, without dudes doing any dry fire on their own time, the back slide was very obvious.

The individuals had the opportunity to dry fire almost as much as they wanted, and were encouraged to do so. Hopefully your people will take steps to retain their skills.

Matt Landfair

Matt Six Actual
Staff member
Is there a place to find your training curriculum @Matt Landfair ? We are looking to move towards this and even if everyone isn't issued a dot many may put a dot on the issued gun.
I just have a PowerPoint combined with my knowledge of the strengths nd deficiencies of the officers I taught to guide our reps


This week, I was told about an agency that issued PMOs to all personnel with no training whatsoever. They just had everyone report to the range to qualify with them with such poor results that ultimately the officers qualified by using their BUIS. At that point, the agency reached out for help, but the guy they asked for help is not up to speed on PMOs.

The guy they asked who related the above to me.

Matt Landfair

Matt Six Actual
Staff member
This week, I was told about an agency that issued PMOs to all personnel with no training whatsoever. They just had everyone report to the range to qualify with them with such poor results that ultimately the officers qualified by using their BUIS. At that point, the agency reached out for help, but the guy they asked for help is not up to speed on PMOs.

The guy they asked who related the above to me.
I'm happy to help any way I can

Matt Landfair

Matt Six Actual
Staff member
My overall strategy with my course was to teach a basic handgun course and refine what the officers were already doing. I let them know it's their efforts and the training that is creating the change in their proficiency- not the dot. I explained if we did the same program and focused on irons they would see positive results. The dot simplifies the process and provides perceptible diagnostic feedback in both live and dry practice.