JTF-BFG Principles of CQB Course AAR


JTF-BFG Principles of CQB Course AAR
On October 3rd, I attended the one-day course taught by BFG's Director of Training,
Chris Sizelove
. Quick down and dirty on the class. Its an introduction to the principles (fundamentals) and Shape Based CQB. It is open enrollment to all good people (US citizens and approved people). Our class was around a 1:4 instructor to student ratio and sometimes 1:2. You are hard pressed to find that often.
What to expect?
It is absolutely a ten hour block of instruction. There are no formal chow breaks. Between classroom and practical application, its highly suggested you fuel up. I highly recommend getting in the day before and getting a full night's rest as well. BFG's facility is located near everything you need: hotels, restaurants, grocery stores etc. I also suggest if you have a long drive, to snag a hotel for the night after. The class can go from 7 am to 7-730pm. The level of gear you need to wear is up to you. The only requirement being eye protection.
Expectation of students?
Open mind and safe weapons handling. Take copious notes. This is so important as even if you have experience in this area, you cannot drink from the fire-hose and expect to remember all the details. Remember to bring enough food and drink.
Final Take-away:
It was my first introduction to Shape Based CQB, although I am not new to CQB. I left Saturday with a changed prospective. The class held a great flow between notes and application. Chris did an excellent job managing time between runs/down time and rotating teams through the scenarios. I learned a lot and it has left me wanting to reengage with the five day class.

Chris Sizelove

Staff member

Thanks for the words homey - great to have you in the course.

The course itself is, as always, a work in progress. Initially I wrestled with the concept of even doing a one day class on this subject - however once I drafted out the POI and had a few peers look at it for review, I thought to myself - "the serious seekers will understand the situation". So far that has been correct so thanks for falling into that category. So far it has served the purposes of priming the pumps in some people for starting to tackle the much larger CQB problem set.

I will have my 2021 course schedule out hopefully in the next 2 weeks, and that will include some 2, 3, and 5 day courses on the CQB topic; as well as a few square range direct skills transfer courses on same. There is a new "training" tab on the blueforcegear.com website that has all the details on the JTF@BFG.