Self Defense Shooting and the What happens to your firearm.

So you you successfully gotten through your self defense incident. The assailant has been stopped.Your heart rate is racing. Hormones are rushing.
The police arrive.

What do you think might happen?
Innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent?
Have you considered they may confiscate your firearm? Many do not think of this particular outcome at all. They assume they tell their side, the police see them as innocent and they keep their firearm. A normal High Trust Society would do this. But more and more we are headed to a No Trust Society. It's been going down hill for decades.
Many assume they may get that firearm back.
What if you don't?
What if the police refuse to even though they are supposed to?
What if the responding police officer would not take your firearm ,but his boss decrees they do take it?
What if they detain you as if you are the criminal? That's not innocent until proven guilty.
All of a sudden that Charter Arms Undercover Lite is looking attractive.
Maybe you buy multiple Charter Arms Undercover Lite revolvers.

Something to think about


How much you pay for health insurance every month? That you never use? A $500 or $1,000 gun that saves your life, write it off and buy a new one and just be happy if you get it back. I'm not carrying a cheap piece of shit in case the cops might take it in the one in a million chance I'm going to be in the defensive shooting. I probably have $400 in tourniquets and quick clot in my vehicle alone that I will never use before it expires. If your grandfather's colt python is sentimental to you, then don't carry it everyday. I like my tricked out 43x, but if I got to use it and they want to take it fuck it I will buy another one. Money well spent.

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I go to the VA hospital for my major ills and yearly checkups. Otherwise I'm pretty healthy.
A low cost gun doesn't always mean low quality.
Just because something costs more doesn't always mean you get more. Sometimes the branding adds more to that cost alone. Maybe even 25% . Sometimes it's art.
I'm not mentioning guns that are junk. Raven and Phoenix Arms are garbage.
Charter Arms is by no means junk. Neither are the Taurus 605 series.
The police taking your gun is NOT one in a million chance. It's a very high chance.
It's not some odd or one off thing. It's routine, Common and happens daily. To good, average people.
Maybe it used to be rare. Not anymore.noe that's the "New Reality" as Ken Hackathorne says.
Now your Glock 43X is essentially "payment" for staying out of jail. It's disposable. Which really means a Nighthawk 1911 is just art like that STS Stacatto. Art. But many would carry that and think that it won't be used for an evidence locker somewhere. Not even a thought about it.
When it should be a thought.


How much you pay for health insurance every month? That you never use?
First off, must be nice to not use insurance :)

A $500 or $1,000 gun that saves your life, write it off and buy a new one and just be happy if you get it back...
+1000. I even do not mind things like how I no longer much use my older guns even though they were expensive at the time (march of technology, lights and dots and all that...) because I used them for 15-20 years. That's on the order of paying instead a 15¢ fee every time I carry it. NBD. Got my money's worth just for owning the thing, and if it gets me out of serious trouble: totally worth it.

Never got the arguments about using cheap guns along these lines.

I've even had (not for a lethal UOF) guns taken by police and... got them back after a reasonable timeframe. Yes you hear tales of it being years or hard but thinking of lawyer fees etc that's a very very minor percentage of what this is going to take in angst and dollars.

IF I was to plan on post-shooting seizure I'd have a copy to go into my holster the next day when I go out. And since I already have near-duplicate for classes, etc then I am covered again. No problem.