Matt Little / GreyBeard Actual / Vehicle Counter-Ambush, Hinckley IL, Oct 12-13 2019

Matt Little

Vehicle Counter-Ambush

This physically intensive two-day course focuses on tactics and techniques for countering an armed ambush from a vehicle. This class will apply combat proven TTPs designed for responding to a coordinated attack, adapted to the environment and student audience. Fighting in and around vehicles present a unique set of challenges. This course is designed to give the student a thorough understanding of the hazards and principles involved in these extremely high risk situations.

Topics Covered:

coordinated ambush demonstration
ballistic lab
equipment staging
vehicle ready positions for pistol and carbine
Engaging threats from within vehicles
getting off the X
cover and concealment
alternative shooting positions
bailout drills
break contact / bounding drills
scenario exercises
About GreyBeard Actual LLC

Our primary instructor, Matthew Little, is a US Army Special Forces combat veteran who has extensive law enforcement experience, including serving as the training coordinator and an operational supervisor on a major metropolitan SWAT team, and has worked as a government contractor in non-permissive environments. Additionally, Matt is a lifelong martial artist and former national level competitor. He is also ranked as a Master Class shooter by the US Practical Shooting Association. He has instructed foreign and US military personnel and police officers in firearms, combatives, and tactics. This instructional experience was not solely academic, as he was usually then leading his students operationally either in combat or in arguably the most violent major city in North America

This is an open enrollment class. Cost is $450. Register on our website at